Keen is a hearty dehydrated dog food recipe made with cage-free turkey and low-gluten oats and garden vegetables like carrots and cabbage. It is crafted from down to earth that provide great, all-natural nutrition. Keen is moderate in protein and fat, so its perfect for adult maintenance. Its also ideal for dogs who do better without chicken, beef, eggs and fish. Keen is a penny-conscious recipe for picky hounds who deserve good food. Just add water for a fresh, wholesome and human-grade meal.All dehydrated Turkey, organic oats, potatoes, organic flaxseed, carrots, cabbage, apples, honey, organic kelp, garlic, minerals [tricalcium phosphate, potassium chloride, choline chloride, zinc amino acid chelate, iron amino acid chelate, potassium iodide, copper amino acid chelate, sodium selenite], vitamins [vitamin E supplement, vitamin B12 supplement, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), vitamin D3 supplement]. Calories per dry cup 470, % Protein 22, % Fat 15, % Fiber 5, % Moisture 8.6″
“,All dehydrated Turkey, organic oats, potatoes, organic flaxseed, carrots, cabbage, apples, honey, organic kelp, garlic, minerals [tricalcium phosphate, potassium chloride, choline chloride, zinc amino acid chelate, iron amino acid chelate, potassium iodide, copper amino acid chelate, sodium selenite], vitamins [vitamin E supplement, vitamin B12 supplement, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), vitamin D3 supplement]. Calories per dry cup 470, % Protein 22, % Fat 15, % Fiber 5, % Moisture 8.6 br/>Sold In Quantity of: 1