Kindly is a grain-free, potato-free and fruit-free dog food base mix where you simply choose your pup’s favorite protein and then just add water. Since you add whichever meat you would like, it’s an excellent option for dogs that can’t tolerate common protein sources or who just like a little variety. Kindly is free of both white and sweet potatoes and contains no grain or fruit. It’s perfect for raw dog food feeders or those making a home-prepared meal who are looking for an easier way to feed their own meat while ensuring their dog is getting all the essential nutrients. Just add water and protein for a fresh, wholesome and human-grade meal. 7-lb box: makes 29 pounds of base mix
Alldehydrated: Carrots, Organic Flaxseed, Parsnips, Peas, Organic Coconut, Pumpkin, Celery, Kale, Organic Kelp, Marjoram, Garlic, Minerals [Tricalcium Phosphate, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Iron Amino Acid Chelate, Potassium Iodide, Copper Amino Acid Chelate, Sodium Selenite], Vitamins [Vitamin E Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B1), D-Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitamin D3 Supplement]. Calories Per Dry Cup. 370% Protein 13.5, % Fat 10, % Fiber 8.5, % Moisture 8.5 br/>Sold in Quantity of:1