Thrive is a gluten-free dog food recipe made with free-range chicken, organic fair-trade quinoa and produce like sweet potatoes and spinach. It is a natural dehydrated dog food that’s designed for dogs of all life stages including adults, puppies, pregnant and nursing dogs, as well as active adult dogs who need a performance dog food. Thrive is a naturally low carbohydrate diet and is well-suited to dogs who need a limited ingredient food since it contains no fruit, eggs, beef, fish, white potatoes, flax or alfalfa. Just add water for a fresh, wholesome and human-grade meal. 4-lb box: makes 16 pounds of real food4-lb box: makes 16 pounds of real food
Alldehydrated: Chicken, Organic Quinoa, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Parsley, Organic Kelp, Minerals [Tricalcium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Potassium Chloride, Choline Chloride, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Iron Amino Acid Chelate, Potassium Iodide, Copper Amino Acid Chelate, Sodium Selenite], Vitamins [Vitamin E Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B1), Vitamin D3 Supplement] Epa, Dha. Calories Per Dry Cup. 516 % Protein 26, % Fat 16, % Fiber 6.3, % Moisture 7.3 br/>Sold in Quantity of:1