Merrick Kitchen Comforts Wet Dog Food Gravy, Chicken Casserole, Chicken and Rice Dog Food with Grains
Real deboned chicken is the first ingredient in this real meat natural dog food with grains, canned dog food with gravy recipe. Kitchen Comforts are adult dog food gravy recipes
Merrick Kitchen Comforts chicken and brown rice dog food is crafted with brown rice, carrots, green beans and sweet potatoes. This is a chunky wet dog food with gravy, grain inclusive dog food
Real meat dog food with grain is crafted with brown rice to support healthy digestion. Merrick dog food canned for dogs is made without artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or by-products
Your pup will enjoy this corn free dog food, a chicken dog food that gives your dog vitamins for a balanced diet. Merrick canned dog food is crafted in our Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA br/>Sold in Qty of 12